Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Good News

We found out today that the drunk guy who hit our van is insured. Not only that, but his insurance company says they are going to take care of everything plus they're reimbursing us for the cost of a rental car until the van is fixed. So now we're just waiting for them to set up a time to come assess the damage on the van and let us know if it's fixable or totaled. We're keeping our fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly.


Katie Seamons said...

I am so glad that he was insured! We got hit by somebody that wasn't insured and it turned in to a blessing but it was a very stressful couple of months fighting with insurance companies. WAHOO!

D.B. said...

Well that's a positive with all these unfortunate events. I was wondering if you had heard anything. Sorry you have to go thru it all. They still never compensate for your time and the hassle of it all.