Sunday, May 22, 2011

Never say never

Yes, I realize it's been a long time since my last post. And no, I'm not pregnant. But there are plenty of other changes coming in the near future. Drumroll please.......

We are moving to Cedar City, Utah. Bill has accepted a faculty position at Southern Utah University and will start in August. Even though we said we would never live in Utah, it seems that is where we are supposed to be. We will be less than 2 hours from all the grandparents and much closer to all our family. Needless to say, our kids (and the grandparents) are very excited!

Its been a busy couple of weeks since we decided to make the move. Our house went up on the market this weekend and we're just waiting to see how long it will take to sell.

We love living in Sioux City and are very sad to leave here. Although we are moving closer to family we feel very at home here and are sad to leave our friends that have become like family over the last 4 years.

Wish us luck as we wait for our house to sell and get things ready for the big move. Maybe I'll even find the camera cord that has been missing since January!



exciting news. Maybe this way we can actually see you again...we go to Utah more often that Sioux City.

Chelsea Ellingson said...

You've probably heard this like a bazillion times, but I keep seeing people post things on facebook wondering if Bill has died. No joke, there was some guy named William Heyborne who passed away who was a UNC alumni and they posted his death in the alumni catalogue that they send out to all the UNC grads. I figured it wasn't him, but I'm glad to see you are all alive and well. :-) Good luck with the move, Cedar City is a nice place! :-)

Oyama Family said...

How sad/fun all at the same time! We were in our last ward for 6's so hard to move after that- you're right they are like family. Luckily for things like blogs/facebook/email you get to stay in touch. Good luck in Utah! I have a WAY fun cousin that lives in Cedar city- so there's good/fun/normal people everywhere...even in Utah! hahaha :) (we always say we'd never live there too)